


    二、為了造福代代子孫,維持永續地景保育需具策略性,重要策略有: (1)建置具特殊科學意義的地景之網絡;(2)發展具有區域重要性的景點之網絡;(3)發展有利於地景保育的科技;(4)改善地景登錄及登錄工具方法;(5)提升社會大眾對地景保育的識覺,認識動態的地球環境;(6)參與國際地景網絡並強化其機能,以利地景保育之進行。








    The International Conference of Landscape Conservation was held in Taipei, TAIWAN on October 4 and 5, 2011. All the delegates affirmed the following declaration:

    1.Landscape conservation is to be placed among the most important national agendas. Landscape conservation not only values national territorial security and environmental integrity, but acts out of national responsibility for the global environment. Such comprehensive concern is legitimate because landscape conservation has both physical and human socio-cultural impacts.

    2.Strategies for sustaining landscape conservation to benefit future generations include: (1) maintaining a network for sites of specific scientific interest, (2) networking for regionally important geo-sites, (3) developing new technologies for landscape conservation, (4) improving landscape inventory recording, (5) promoting public awareness by understanding the systematic global environment, and (6) developing international networks and enhancing its functioning for landscape conservation.

    3.Landscape conservation could be implemented from various perspectives and in different ways, but we must prioritize its procedures to benefit society as we proceed. The implementation of the Geopark concept is an excellent way to achieve natural landscape conservation and to sustain the human socio-cultural heritage and economic life.

    4.The Geopark concept values the integrated treatment of both geological and human geographical environments. By integrating the natural and the human environments, our society, socio-cultural life and economic livelihood can be sustained by the distinctive environment and geological history of each place.

    5.Due to the diverse and challenging economic, social and educational context of Taiwan in the global era, the landscape conservation concept and its implementation demand support from not only national and local initiatives, but also initiatives out of the global experience. Such multilayered initiatives will ensure sustainable landscape conservation.

    6.A Taiwan Landscape Conservation network with legislative support and administrative enlightenment is needed to ensure the implementation of both natural and human conservation as a sound environmental and social base for a sustainable Taiwan.

    7.Landscape conservation should serve as an engine for the mobilization of local people to become involved in local environmental conservation and to become active in planning their own socio-economic future. Integrating all stakeholders through effective communication guarantees the good practice of landscape conservation.

    8.By networking among sites and networks, local communities become proactive in identifying their own niche in geo-conservation. Geoconservation will then become a crucial means in enhancing geodiversity and a force in preventing geo-hazards.

    9.Educational programs are significant for landscape conservation. Through the programs, landscape conservation networking becomes one of the platforms to learn and share. So that all sites can learn from each other and share experiences in making landscape conservation a success.

    10.Maintaining the momentum of Taiwan landscape conservation by contributing to global landscape conservation is crucial. It is the best way not only to keep updated, but also to share experience and to contribute to the global society.
